Monday, February 17, 2020
10:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Patricia Clark, University of Notre Dame
William Kobertz, University of Massachusetts Medical School
“The Future of Biophysics Symposium is a highlight of the Annual Meeting, featuring cutting-edge science from four outstanding young biophysicists. The scientifically diverse set of speakers use state of the art approaches to investigate questions at the frontier of biophysics, highlighting the creativity, innovation, and broad range of scientific interests across our Society. These scientists, and the many additional worthy nominees for this Symposium, exemplify the future of Biophysics."
- Patricia Clark and William Kobertz, 2020 Program Co-Chairs
Nozomi Ando, Cornell University
X-ray Scattering from Correlated Motions in Proteins
Margaret E. Johnson, Johns Hopkins University
Exploiting 3D to 2D Localization to Control Protein Self-assembly
James B. Munro, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Conformational Dynamics of Single Viral Membrane Fusion Machines
Elton Zeqiraj, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Signaling with Ubiquitin—Communication between Metabolism and Immune Responses