Best of Biophysical Journal: From Single Molecules to Systems
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
10:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Room 6C, San Diego Convention Center
Vasanthi Jayaraman, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, USA
For the third year, Biophysical Journal will host a symposium to highlight the excellent science published in the journal. The speakers, including the Paper of the Year-Early Career Investigator Award recipient, are authors published in the past year who represent a subset of the high quality research in the journal. The Paper of the Year-Early Career Investigator Award recognizes an early career researcher who has published an outstanding paper in the journal. Plan to attend this session to hear about the exciting work of these leaders in biophysics.
Markus Deserno, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Distribution of Cholesterol in Asymmetric Membranes Driven by Composition and Differential Stress
Kallol Gupta, Yale University, USA
Deciphering the Molecular Organization of GET Pathway Chaperones through Native Mass Spectrometry
Rebecca J. Howard, Stockholm University, Sweden
An Open State of a Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel involving a π-Helix and Conserved Pore-Facing Asparagine
Valerie Tutwiler, Rutgers University, USA
Effects of Clot Contraction on Clot Degradation: A Mathematical and Experimental Approach
Daniel J. Dickinson, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Rapid Extraction and Kinetic Analysis of Protein Complexes from Single Cells
Paper of the Year - Early Career Investigator Award
Carlas S. Smith, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Precision in Iterative Modulation Enhanced Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy