Workshops differ from symposia in that they are technique-oriented. Workshops cover emerging methods presented by widely acknowledged developers and experts who help the participants gain a working knowledge of new technologies. Workshops are held on Tuesday night only, 7:30 PM–9:30 PM.
Design and Constructing Quantitative Biosensors
Edward Lemke, JGU & IMB Mainz, Germany, Chair
Kevin Plaxco, University of California, Santa Barbara
Virginia Cornish, Columbia University
Kai Johnsson, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Germany
Robert Campbell, University of Alberta, Canada
Chemical Biology Tools for Biophysics
Henry Colecraft, Columbia University, Chair
Christopher Ahern, The University of Iowa
Stephan Pless, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Kimberly Beatty, Oregon Health & Science University
Jon Sack, University of California, Davis
Simulation Strategies for Large Scales
Tobin Sosnick, University of Chicago, Chair
Karissa Sanbonmatsu, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Lillian Chong, University of Pittsburgh
Raffaello Potestio, University of Trento, Italy
Adrian Elcock, The University of Iowa
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy
Elizabeth Hinde, University of Melbourne, Australia, Chair
Enrico Gratton, University of California, Irvine
Paul Wiseman, McGill University, Canada
Didier Marguet, Centre D'immunologie Marseille-Luminy, France
Steve Presse, Arizona State University