This Biophysics Week, we're highlighting some of the outstanding members of our Student Chapter program. Today, we'll hear from Subhajit Roy, a Physics Major at the Arizona State University Biophysical Society Student Chapter.
What inspired you to study biophysics?
Biophysics enables the exploration of the depths of the complex and fascinating biological world through the application of physics tools. By utilizing simple Newtonian mechanics and approximations from quantum mechanics, it is possible to simulate small particles to replicate natural processes without the need for actual experimentation.
What do you think makes the study of biophysics unique?
Biological systems are the most complex systems in the world, and there could be nothing more fun and fundamental than studying them. Biophysics provides the much required tools to solve such problems.
What skill have you learned in your studies that you find useful in other aspects of your life?
The mechanics used to study proteins and DNA can easily be applied to other rigid body simulation, acoustic systems etc. Overall, it improved my critical thinking and communication skills.
What is your dream career?
I would like to find myself with a Research and Development team of a pharmaceutical or similar industry where I can use my current knowledge to better human living.
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I created a new DNA model which can solve the problem of self assembly with much better dynamics and at 1/100 of computation burden required by generic models.
What advice do you have for someone thinking about studying biophysics?
Any potential candidate should have a good temperament for problem solving and pursue a significant amount of time looking for unsolved questions and possible societal impact.