The abstract submission and travel award application deadlines for the Biophysical Society’s 64th Annual Meeting in San Diego, California, February 15-19, 2020, are coming up in early October. If you are a student, postdoc, or a scientist of any career level looking for a little extra funding to put towards your travel and housing costs for the Annual Meeting, be sure to apply for a BPS Travel Award. Those from communities underrepresented in science are encouraged to apply.
We've answered some of our members' most common questions about the travel awards program below.

When is the Travel Award application deadline?
The application deadline is October 3, 2019. Remember: You MUST submit an abstract by October 1 in order to be eligible for a Travel Award.
Can I submit any part of my application late?
No. ALL parts of your application are due by the October 3 deadline – including your letter of recommendation! Start asking your advisers for references now, and be sure to read the award requirements so that you are prepared.
Do I need to register for the meeting and submit my abstract prior to submitting the Travel Award application?
If you are applying for a travel award, you must submit an abstract by the October 1 abstract deadline. Students and scientists within 10 years of their terminal degree must be the presenting author. Applicants 10+ years beyond their terminal degree must be either presenting or senior author.
You do not need to register prior to submitting a travel award application. However, you will need to register for the meeting in order to attend.
I am currently a graduate student. However, by the time of the Annual Meeting I will be a postdoc. Which award should I apply for?
You should apply based on your career level as of October 3, 2019. In your case, you must apply as a graduate student.
I am a co-author on an abstract, but not a presenting author. Can I apply for a Travel Award?
All students and applicants within 10 years of their terminal degree MUST be the presenting author on their submitted abstract. Applicants 10+ years beyond their terminal degree may be either the presenting or senior author. If these conditions are not met, your application will not be accepted for judging.
My adviser would like to send the letter of recommendation directly to you. Where should he/she send it?
Letters of recommendation can be emailed to [email protected]. Please ask your advisor to include your name and application number in the email subject line.
Can I apply for more than one award?
You may only apply for one Travel Award, but you can apply for a Travel Award as well as for Bridging Funds if you meet the requirements for both.
My account says that my application is in processed status. What does that mean?
Processed status means that your application has met all of the requirements and has been put forward for review. You will receive notification about the outcome of your application via email by December 3, 2019.
If I do not receive a travel award to the Annual Meeting, can I receive a refund for my abstract submission and registration?
Abstract submission fees and combo fees are non-refundable. If you wish to retract your registration, you will be refunded the registration fee, less a $50 cancellation fee, if your request has been received by the January 28, 2019 deadline and you did not pay the combo fee.
When will I receive my Travel Award? Will I receive my Travel Award prior to the meeting so I can pay for my travel expenses in advance?
Because this is a travel award, recipients must travel to the meeting in order to receive the award. You may pick up your Travel Award check in person with photo identification at the Society Office in the San Diego Convention Center after the scheduled award reception. Bridging Funds must also be picked up at the Society Office at the meeting.
I won a travel award, but cannot attend the meeting. Will I still receive the check?
If you win a travel award, you must attend the meeting in order to receive your award check. If you cannot attend, please let us know at [email protected] so that another applicant may be able to attend the meeting.
When will I find out if I won?
You will be notified on the outcome of your application via email by December 3, 2019. Be sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see the email.