Recess. A word that conjures memories of playgrounds, pick-up basketball, and an occasional dodgeball to the face. But, did you know that Congress also has recesses?

A recess of the U.S. Congress or the Senate is a temporary break in proceedings. Traditionally, Congress is out for the entire month of August, escaping the D.C. heat to be back with constituents, but they also take breaks around federal holidays. During an election year, Congress tends to increase the number of recess days so Members can be at home on the campaign trail.
Why should BPS care about Congressional recess? These in-district periods provide BPS members an opportunity to connect with their federal representatives and demonstrate the local impact of their scientific research. These in-district interactions help to build momentum for the science community’s policy priorities in Washington, facilitate memorable interactions and relationships with key policymakers, and create local awareness of scientific activities happening in communities across America.
BPS’s Congressional Recess Program offers members two ways to connect with their federal representatives:
Host a Member of Congress at your Workplace
Our staff will work with you to host a Member of Congress at your lab, university, or workplace. Together, we will develop a scheduling request, loop in relevant internal parties (government affairs offices), and coordinate event logistics and press. The visits typically last an hour and provide a meaningful opportunity to demonstrate the importance of federal science funding to Members of Congress.
Meet with your Member of Congress at their District Office
Meeting with your Member of Congress or their staff at their district office is also an effective advocacy tool. BPS staff will provide you with the appropriate Congressional contacts and relevant policy briefings to set up an effective meeting. These meetings can last anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour and typically are less work intensive than hosting a Member of Congress at your workplace.

If you are interested in learning more about our Congressional Recess Program, please contact me at [email protected]. We also maintain an active Congressional database where you can look up your Member of Congress and the appropriate scheduling contacts here.