15,500 pipe cleaners.
160 showings of The Human Brain: Images to Atoms.
6000 individuals at the BPS exhibit booth.

In a nutshell, these numbers wrap of the Biophysical Society's participation in the 4th Annual USA Science and Engineering Festival held in Washington, DC, April 15-17, 2016.
In three short days, Biophysical staff and member volunteers gave over 6000 individuals a glimpse of the power and beauty of biophysics research through a short planetarium style movie showcasing images of neurons and proteins in the brain, as well as a hands on activity-- making neuron models out of pipe cleaners. Pretty amazing numbers considering the Society's booth was one of over 1000 exhibitors at the Festival.
With a booth at the entrance of one of the exhibit floors (Yes, there was more than one at the festival!), the Biophysical Society's exhibit was bumping throughout the entire event. On Friday, school groups made up the majority of attendees, while on the weekend, the attendees were primarily families. An estimated 345,000 people attended the free event, and it was very heartening to see the interest in science from the diverse crowd.
The Society would like to thank its member volunteers for showing up, being amazing educators, and sharing their passion for science with the next generation. The Society would also like to thank its partners in bringing the Dome to the event: Wah Chiu and Matt Doherty, from Baylor College of Medicine, and the Houston Museum of Science for the use of their equipment.
Want to make a neuron model out of pipe cleaners at home or at a local outreach event? Here are the instructions on How To Make a Neuron Model.