Last week we asked you to join the Rally for Medical Research, either in person or online, to draw attention to the importance of federal funding for medical research and the National Institutes of Health. I am happy to report that the event was a great success. Speakers poignantly made the connection between research and cures—drawing from their own experiences. 

The Rally was not only powerful for those in attendance and watching online, it also garnered media attention to the important cause. The story was covered on local news in Washington DC (Watch it--its a great news piece!) as well as on local newscasts in Boston, New York, Florida, Michigan, and Arizona. Nationally, the event was covered by CNN, USA Today,, The Hill, and several medical publications. On Twitter, the Rally hashtag, #RallyMedRes, was a top trending topic globally. In fact, it was in the #2 position from 11:00 AM through 12:30 PM on Monday April 8, the time period during which the event occurred. There were over 6,500 tweets during the time period on the rally.
President Obama also released a statement supporting the rally. "To meet the challenges of the 21st century we must commit to a serious sustained effort to advance medical research," Obama said.
Do what you can to continue to educate your friends, family, and the public about the important role of research in our lives and economy!