Other Resources Resources for Minorities in Science- compiled by Oregon State University A list of various resources for minorities in science. Científico Latino Científico Latino aims to improve diversity in STEM by providing resources to undergraduates and graduate students in STEM fields. The website regularly updates lists of fellowships and scholarships, sample essays for graduate school applications and fellowships, and blog posts related to being a successful professional in STEM. Científico Latino focuses on providing pertinent information for underrepresented students, but the site contains resources for everyone, underrepresented or College for Students with Disabilities: A Guide for Students, Families, and Educators Affordable Colleges Online A college preparedness website, with a large number of free resources including college application guides, college affordability calculators, and scholarship search engines for minority and LGBTQ+ students. Top Scholarships for Women in STEM A list of 120 scholarships for women in STEM. Go Back Next Article Free Online Courses 595