Registration Deadline: January 7, 2025, 11:59 PM, USA Eastern - Closed
The Justice for Underrepresented Scholars Training in Biophysics (JUST-B) Poster Session celebrates the achievements of underrepresented and underserved students, postdocs, and early career researchers in the field of biophysics. The poster session will promote the endeavors of trainees, offer support through networking opportunities, and serve as a recruitment venue for those seeking to diversify their pool of future graduate students, postdocs, faculty, staff scientists, journal editors, or any other career within biophysics. The goal is to address and mitigate inequities in the biophysics community by providing a space for underrepresented trainees to share their scientific accomplishments and take steps toward advancing their careers. The poster session will take place at the Annual Meeting each year on Monday from 3:00 PM–5:00 PM.
Students, postdocs, and early career researchers who wish to present posters during the session must submit an application and meet the following criteria:
- The applicant must be an author on a poster being presented at the Annual Meeting, with an abstract submitted by the late abstract deadline of January 7, 2025.
- The applicant must be a member of a group recognized as underrepresented in the biomedical sciences, including:
- Black or African American
- Hispanic or Latino
- American Indian or Alaska Native
- Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
- Individuals with disabilities, defined as physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities
- Individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, defined in the Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity as those who meet two or more of the following criteria:
- Were or currently are homeless, as defined by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
- Were or currently are in the foster care system, as defined by the Administration for Children and Families
- Were eligible for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program for two or more years
- Have/had no parents or legal guardians who completed a bachelor’s degree
- Were or currently are eligible for Federal Pell grants
- Received support from the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) as a parent or child
- Grew up in one of the following areas: a) a U.S. rural area or b) a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services-designated Low-Income and Health Professional Shortage Areas. (Only one of these two possibilities can be used as a criterion for the disadvantaged background definition.)
The JUST-B Poster Session is supported in part by: