Annual Meeting FAQ


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General FAQ

The 2025 Annual Meeting will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center, 1201 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, California, February 15-19.
The mobile app and Desktop Planner will be available for your use late January. Check back for complete instructions on how to download the app and use the planner.
No, an E-book of the program will be posted online prior to the meeting. Also, the mobile app and Desktop Planner may be helpful in planning your schedule. Both will be available in late January.
Badges will NOT be mailed prior to the meeting but can be picked up on-site at  West Lobby of the Los Angeles Convention Center. All registrants will receive an e-mail containing a QR code one week prior to the meeting. Print this e-mail and bring it with you to registration so that you can scan the QR code to print your badge. If you do not receive this e-mail prior to the meeting, or you misplace it, you can bring your registration confirmation to obtain your badge.
The BPS has provided a Family Room located in Room 507 of the Los Angeles Convention Center. In addition, the Los Angeles Convention Center has two bright and relaxing nursing rooms offering comfortable seating, conveniently located electrical connections and nearby access to sink area. Located in the First Aid offices in South Hall Lobby (main level by the Pico Driving entrance) and in West Hall Lobby (outside Hall A -- Across from Petree C). 
Attendees can access their e-mail accounts throughout the common areas of the convention center..
Attendees can turn in items that are found in the BPS Meeting Office located in Room 509ABC of the Los Angeles Convention Center. Items are stored in the Society Office. Please note that all items not picked up at the end of the meeting will be turned over to Convention Center security.
Yes. This is located in the West Lobby of the Los Angeles Convention Center near registration.
The First Aid is located in outside Petree Hall. Hours are:
Saturday                       8:30 AM -  6:30 PM
Sunday                         7:30 AM -  6:30 PM
Monday                        7:30 AM -  9:00 PM
Tuesday                        7:30 AM -  6:30 PM
Wednesday                  7:30 AM -  3:30 PM
Attendees who have a disability or special need should indicate this by checking the appropriate box when registering with the Biophysical Society through the online system. A BPS staff member from the Meetings Department will contact you for further information to ensure appropriate accommodations while at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

The Los Angeles Convention Center provides:
  • Accessible Restrooms and compliant with ADA standards
  • Elevators provide guests with special needs access to each level of the Convention Center
  • Scootaround offers scooter rentals on a first-come, first-served basis at our UPS Store inside the Convention Center
Press may register in advance or the day of the meeting by contacting Leann Fox, Director of Advocacy and Public Affairs, at  [email protected].
The Biophysical Society welcomes the use of social media to share information from the Biophysical Society 69th Annual Meeting and to engage with the biophysics community. Please use the Annual Meeting hashtag #bps2025 when posting to help others follow along.

We encourage you to share highlights from the meeting, suggest sessions to attend, discuss stand-out presentations and posters, and connect with your fellow biophysicists, as well as our sponsors and exhibitors.

When sharing information about what you see and hear in meeting sessions, please refrain from photographing or sharing full detail of the material presented in order to respect the intellectual property of the presenters. Some presenters may request, verbally or in writing, that attendees not share information about their presentations and content; please honor those requests so that we can maintain a professional, respectful environment.

Presenters: If you do not wish to have your research shared via social media, please make an announcement before and during your presentation. BPS strongly encourages compliance with speaker requests regarding social media sharing but cannot guarantee it.

Due to the sensitive nature of data and the preliminary, unpublished research findings, all filming and recording of any kind (camera, cell phones, personal devices) in the scientific session rooms, Exhibit Hall, and poster area is strictly prohibited unless accompanied by a member of the Society staff. Any individual seen taking photographs in any session room, the Exhibit Hall, or poster area will be escorted out by security. 

Family Care FAQ

Yes, we offer a family care grant that Society member attendees can apply for. Click here to begin the application process. If granted, it can be used for dependent care-related costs while attending the Annual Meeting.
Yes, applicants must be a 2025 BPS member in order to apply for the grant.
Grant recipients must document and provide proof of expenses after the conclusion of the Annual Meeting. Once this information is received, the recipient will be reimbursed by the Society. Reimbursement requests and proof of expense can be sent to Ethan Yosebashvili at [email protected].

Registration FAQ

Registration includes admission to all scientific sessions, Subgroups, posters, and exhibits; BPS Lecture and Awards; Programs for underrepresented minorities, students, postdocs, and international attendees; Mobile application, desktop planner, meeting badge, and social functions.

Friday                               3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Saturday                           7:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Sunday - Tuesday            7:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Wednesday                      8:00 AM - 3:00 PM                              

You will be able to obtain one replacement badge at the cost of $30 at the Society Help Desk in the West Lobby of the Los Angeles Convention Center. All subsequent requests for badge replacements will require the attendee to re-register for the meeting at the full on-site registration rate in the attendee's member category.
Requests for registration cancellations and refunds can be submitted to the [email protected]. A $50 fee will be deducted from all registration cancellation refunds.
Refund requests must be received by the Society Office no later than January 7, 2025, 11:59 PM, USA Eastern.
If you or your institution requires a receipt for past or present Society transactions, receipts may be obtained by emailing [email protected] and providing your name or Membership ID number, product purchased, and any information your institution requires (i.e. method of Payment, verification name or signature). If you require a receipt while attending the Annual Meeting, you may obtain a receipt at the BPS Meeting Office located in Room 509 ABC.
$75.00 is the early abstract fee ONLY. The abstract payment did not include registration or dues payment. Registration fees must be paid separately. To register, click here.
There could be a number of reasons for this email: Attendee may not be a Society member yet he/she has paid the member registration rate. (Attendee would need to join and pay the membership fee or pay outstanding non-member balance.) Attendee has sponsored his/her own abstract, but is not a member or has not renewed his/her 2025 membership dues. (Attendee needs to join and pay membership fee or renew.) Attendee is either not a member or has not renewed his/her dues or his/her sponsor is not a member. (Attendee needs to join or have his/her sponsor join or renew for 2025.) Attendee is not a member and his/her sponsor is a student. (Attendee must join; students may sponsor their own abstract only.) Attendee has submitted more than one abstract. (Attendee must find another 2025 Regular or Early Career member to sponsor the other abstract(s).
Guest badges are available through the Biophysical Society's online registration site when purchasing registration for the meeting. To purchase a guest badge on-site, visit the Registration counters in the West Lobby West of the Los Angeles Convention Center.
Please go to the BPS Meeting Office in Room 509 ABC or the Society Help Desk in the West Lobby and a staff member will provide one.
No, you must register for the 2025 Biophysical Society Annual Meeting separately. Payment of an abstract fee does not include registration for the annual meeting. An abstract presenter must register as a Member, Nonmember, Early Career member, Early Career nonmember, Student member, Student nonmember, or Emeritus member. 

Abstract FAQ

The early abstracts submission fee is $75.00.
Members may only sponsor one abstract, with the exception of the Biophysics Education category. Members may submit an education abstract in addition to one in another category. Regular, early career, or emeritus Biophysical Society members, with 2025 dues paid, may sponsor their own abstract or someone else's. 
Student members, with 2025 dues paid, may ONLY sponsor their own abstract.
Nonmembers may submit an abstract, but must have a 2025 BPS regular, early career, or emeritus member who is not submitting their own abstract sponsor the nonmember abstract. Alternatively, they may join the Society at the time of submission.
Three new changes were implemented in 2024 to increase opportunities for participation. Please read the changes here to see presentation options for abstracts submitted by the October 1 deadline.  Late abstracts are programmed for poster only.
The early abstract submission deadline is October 1, 2024, 11:59 PM, USA Eastern. All abstracts must be submitted via the online abstract submission site. Submission by other methods (paper, e-mail, etc.) are not permitted.
The late abstract submission site will open October 7, 2024 and the deadline is January 7, 2025, 11:59 PM, USA Eastern.
A member ID is not required for abstract submissions. However, you will need to create a myBPS account and password, if you haven’t already done so.
Yes, however, your abstract must be sponsored by a current BPS member. Nonmembers may have a regular, early career, or emeritus member who is not submitting his/her own abstract sponsor the nonmember abstract. Alternatively, a nonmember may apply for membership at the time of submission and sponsor his/her own abstract and pre-register at the member rate.
No, as a student member you can only sponsor your own abstract.
Your abstract must be marked “complete” in order for it to be considered by the Program Committee. When you log into the abstract submission site, a “Complete” status next to your abstract title confirms that your abstract has been received and will be reviewed. An e-mail confirmation will be sent to the Presenting Author. The Presenting Author is responsible for notifying all authors about the abstract status.
Programming abstracts submitted by the October 1, 2024, deadline will be sent to the Presenting Author only via e-mail in late November (session information and individual presentation time and date for accepted abstracts). Programming of late abstracts submitted by the January 7, 2025, deadline will be sent to the Presenting Author only via email in mid-January. To ensure you receive all BPS correspondence, add [email protected] and [email protected] to your e-mail “safe senders” list.
Early abstract submissions must be received by October 1, 2024, 11:59 PM, USA Eastern.  Following the abstract submission deadline you will be able to make  revisions/withdrawals by October 4, 2024, 11:59 PM, USA EasternREMEMBER - ALL ABSTRACTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 1, 2024. Late abstract submissions must be revised or withdrawn no later than January 7, 2025, 11:59 PM, USA Eastern.  To make revisions to your abstract:
  • Log into your myBPS account and return to the Annual Meeting abstract submission page. Click on the control number of the abstract you wish to edit. 
  • Select the appropriate section on the left-hand margin to return to that portion of the submission site. In order to complete the section and save any changes, you must click the “Save and Continue” button at the bottom of the section. You will be directed to the “Review My Work” section.
  • If all sections have a blue check mark  a message will appear that states, “This submission is complete.” Any abstract marked “Incomplete” will not be considered for programming until it has a “Complete” status.
Early abstracts must be received by October 1, 2024, 11:59 PM, USA Eastern. Following the October 1, 2024 deadline, revisions and withdrawals must be made no later than October 4, 2024, 11:59 PM, USA Eastern.  Late abstracts must be received by January 7, 2024, 11:59 PM, USA Eastern. No changes will be accepted after this date. Requests for abstract withdrawal must have been received in writing by the Biophysical Society via email: [email protected] from the presenting author’s email address. The presenting author's full name and abstract number must be included in the withdrawal request. All abstracts not withdrawn by this date will be published in the abstracts issue, regardless of changes.
No, you must register for the 2025 Biophysical Society Annual Meeting separately. Payment of an abstract fee does not include registration for the Annual Meeting. An abstract presenter must register as a Member, Nonmember, Early Career member, Early Career nonmember, Student member, Student nonmember, or Emeritus member.
No, the abstract submission fee is non-refundable.
Early abstracts are not peer-reviewed, but they are citable.  Abstracts will be published online ONLY prior to the meeting in a supplement to the Biophysical Journal. Early abstracts will be printed and published as they appear in the Review My Work step in the abstract submission portal. BPS is not responsible for and will not copy edit abstract submissions.

Please note: All accepted late abstract submissions will be programmed as poster presentations. Late abstract will NOT be published in a Supplement to the Biophysical Journal.

Housing/Travel FAQ

No. Attendees must make their reservations through the BPS Official Housing Bureau: Convention Housing Partners, in order to take advantage of BPS contracted discounted rates.
Yes, by filling out the Room Sharing form you are able to find other attendees who are also looking to share a room. Click here to access the Room Sharing service. Please remember to remove your information once you have found a roommate.
The hotel deadline is January 13, 2025. However, to ensure that you get into the hotel of your choice it is recommended that you make your reservation as early as possible.
BPS does not provide shuttle buses to the convention center. It is the responsibility of the attendees to make their own transportation arrangements.

Career Center FAQ

Employers may post a job in advance to arriving at the Annual Meeting via the online job board, or they may wait until arrival and post on job boards in the Career Center, located in Room 409A. Job Applicants will have access to the job postings throughout the Annual Meeting. Instructions are available on the Meeting website, here.
No. Unless you are a paid-in-full exhibitor, there is a fee for posting a job. All job postings must be done through the Career Development Center. Rooms may be available for private interviews.
Go to the Career Center in Room 409A to schedule an appointment. Appointments are given on a first-come, first-serve basis.
No. Workshops are open to all attendees. Only 1-on-1 resume critiques require appointments.

Travel Award FAQ

The application deadline is October 3, 2024. Remember: You MUST submit an abstract by October 1 in order to be eligible for a Travel Award.
No. ALL parts of your application are due by the October 3, 2024 deadline – including your letter of recommendation! Start asking your advisers for references now, and be sure to read the award requirements so that you are prepared.
If you are applying for a travel award, you must submit an abstract by the October 1 abstract deadline. Students and scientists within 10 years of their terminal degree must be the presenting author. Applicants 10+ years beyond their terminal degree must be either presenting or senior author. You do not need to register prior to submitting a travel award application. However, you will need to register for the meeting in order to attend.
You should apply based on your career level as of October 1, 2024. In your case, you must apply as a graduate student.
All students and applicants within 10 years of their terminal degree MUST be the presenting author on their submitted abstract. Applicants 10+ years beyond their terminal degree may be either the presenting or senior author. If these conditions are not met, your application will not be accepted for judging.
Letters of recommendation can be emailed to [email protected]. Please ask your advisor to include your name and application number in the email subject line.
You may only apply for one "career level" Travel Award, but you can apply for a Travel Award as well as for Bridging Funds and/or Low Income Country Travel Award if you meet the requirements. However, if you are selected for more than one award, you will only receive the award of higher value.
Processed status means that your application has met all of the requirements and has been put forward for review. You will receive notification about the outcome of your application via email by December 6, 2024.
Abstract submission fees and combo fees are non-refundable. If you wish to retract your registration, you will be refunded the registration fee, less a $50 cancellation fee, if your request has been received by the January 7, 2025 deadline and you did not pay the combo fee.
You will be notified on the outcome of your application via email by December 6, 2024. Be sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see the email.