Subgroup Chair: Garegin Papoian, University of Maryland, USA
Symposium Time: 8:30AM- 12:30PM PST
Symposium Room: Room 408A
Business Meeting: 12:10 - 12:30 PM PST
8:30 AM Opening Remarks
8:32 AM Bin Zhang, MIT, USA
Understanding IDP Phase Behaviors with AI and Polymer Physics
8:52 AM Heather Meyer, Syracuse University, USA
Intrinsically Disordered Proteins as Thermosensors in Plants
9:12 AM Gregory Dignon, Rutgers University, USA
Using Simulations and Theory to Understand Sequence and Size Effects on Partitioning of Biomolecules in Condensates
9:32 AM Emily Sontag, Marquette University, USA
Spatial Protein Quality Control in Health and Disease
9:52 AM Janet Kumita, University of Cambridge, UK
Designing Engineered Biomolecular Condensates to Facilitate Protein Degradation
10:12 AM Break
10:25 AM David Van Valen, Caltech, USA
Understanding Cellular Perception with AI Enabled Measurements
10:45 AM Massimiliano Bonomi, Institut Pasteur, France
Integrative Structural Biology in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
11:05 AM Nadine Samara, NIH, USA
Structural Insights into the Diversity of Mucin-Type O-Glycosyltransferases from Mammalian Hosts to Protozoan Pathogens
11:25 AM George Lu, Rice University, USA
Understanding the Assembly of Gas-Filled Microbial Organelle
11:45 AM Young Investigator Award Talk
12:10 PM Business Meeting