The Biophysical Society's Subgroups hold symposia that allow attendees to meet and interact within focused areas. This year’s subgroup symposia will be held on the first day of the Annual Meeting, Saturday, March 2, 2019. The Saturday Subgroup programs are heavily attended and include exciting scientific symposia, awards presentations, student and postdoc talks, and business meetings, which are open to members of each subgroup. 

To view a subgroup's 2019 symposium program, click on the subgroup's name. 
Subgroup programming details will be posted as they become available. 

For those attending subgroup symposia, registration will be open on Friday and Saturday for badge pick-up prior to the subgroup sessions. Registration for the Annual Meeting is required to attend the subgroup symposia.


For more information on subgroups and how to join, click here

Multiscale Genome Organization

Subgroup Co-Chairs: Rosana Collepardo-Guevara, Cambridge University, UK and Michael Poirier, Ohio State University, USA

Symposium Time:  1:30PM - 5:30 PM PST

Symposium Room:  Room 511ABC

Business Meeting:  5:15PM-5:30PM PST

1:00 PM  Opening Remarks


1:35 PM Lu Bai, Penn State University, USA
Condensin Accelerates Intra-Chromosomal Encounter in G1 Yeast Cells


2:05 PM Marcus Woodworth, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Visualizing Chromatin States in Native Contexts Using Expansion Microscopy


2:35 PM Rob McGnity, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Structural Mechanisms of Nucleosome Lysine Demethylation


3:05 PM Student/Postdoc Talk: TBA


3:15 PM Break


3:30 PM Serena Sanulli, Standford University, USA
Regulation and Function of HP1 Compartments


4:00 PM Shoji Takada, Kyoto University, Japan
Multiscale Modeling to Study the Interplay of Genome Organization and Transcription Regulation


4:30 PM Anna Panchenko, Queen's University, Canada
Histone Mutations and Modifications can Disrupt Function across Different Levels of Chromatin Organization


5:00 PM Student/Postdoc Talk: TBA


5:10 PM Closing Remarks


5:15 PM Business Meeting

Previous Article Motility and Cytoskeleton
Next Article Nanoscale Approaches to Biology