The Biophysical Society's Subgroups hold symposia that allow attendees to meet and interact within focused areas.  Subgroup symposia will be held on the first day of the Annual Meeting, Saturday, February 15, 2020. The Saturday Subgroup programs are heavily attended and include exciting scientific symposia, awards presentations, student and postdoc talks, and business meetings, which are open to members of each subgroup. 

To view a subgroup's 2020 symposium program, click on the subgroup's name. Subgroup programming details will be posted as they become available. 

For those attending subgroup symposia, registration will be open on Friday and Saturday for badge pick-up prior to the subgroup sessions. Registration for the Annual Meeting is required to attend the subgroup symposia.


For more information on subgroups and how to join, click here

Biopolymers in vivo

Subgroup Chair: Garegin Papoian, University of Maryland, USA

Symposium Time:  8:30AM- 12:30PM PST

Symposium Room:  Room 408A 

Business Meeting:  12:10 - 12:30 PM PST

8:30 AM Opening Remarks


8:32 AM Bin Zhang, MIT, USA
Understanding IDP Phase Behaviors with AI and Polymer Physics


8:52 AM Heather Meyer, Syracuse University, USA
Intrinsically Disordered Proteins as Thermosensors in Plants


9:12 AM Gregory Dignon, Rutgers University, USA
Using Simulations and Theory to Understand Sequence and Size Effects on Partitioning of Biomolecules in Condensates


9:32 AM Emily Sontag, Marquette University, USA
Spatial Protein Quality Control in Health and Disease


9:52 AM Janet Kumita, University of Cambridge, UK
Designing Engineered Biomolecular Condensates to Facilitate Protein Degradation


10:12 AM Break


10:25 AM David Van Valen, Caltech, USA
Understanding Cellular Perception with AI Enabled Measurements


10:45 AM Massimiliano  Bonomi,  Institut Pasteur, France
Integrative Structural Biology in the Era of Artificial Intelligence


11:05 AM Nadine Samara, NIH, USA
Structural Insights into the Diversity of Mucin-Type O-Glycosyltransferases from Mammalian Hosts to Protozoan Pathogens


11:25 AM  George Lu, Rice University, USA
Understanding the Assembly of Gas-Filled Microbial Organelle


11:45 AM Young Investigator Award Talk


12:10 PM Business Meeting

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