The Biophysical Society's Subgroups hold symposia that allow attendees to meet and interact within focused areas.  Subgroup symposia will be held on the first day of the Annual Meeting, Saturday, February 15, 2020. The Saturday Subgroup programs are heavily attended and include exciting scientific symposia, awards presentations, student and postdoc talks, and business meetings, which are open to members of each subgroup. 

To view a subgroup's 2020 symposium program, click on the subgroup's name. Subgroup programming details will be posted as they become available. 

For those attending subgroup symposia, registration will be open on Friday and Saturday for badge pick-up prior to the subgroup sessions. Registration for the Annual Meeting is required to attend the subgroup symposia.


For more information on subgroups and how to join, click here

Motility and Cytoskeleton

Subgroup Co-Chairs: Sophie Dumont, University of California, San Fransisco, USA and Radhika Subramanian, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA

Symposium Time:  1:30PM - 5:30 PM PST

Symposium Room:  Room 515A 

Business Meeting:  3:35PM-3:45PM PST

1:30 PM James Spudich, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
From Fundamental Biochemistry and Biophysics to Mechanisms to Unique Medicines


2:00 PM Christina Huechen, University of California, San Diego, USA
Gliding and Invasion of Toxoplasma gondii


2:15 PM Benjamin Larson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Principles of Cellular Behavior: Integrating Cellular Structure, Dynamics, and Decision Making in a Unicellular Walker


2:30 PM Sarah Heissler, Ohio State College of Medicine, USA
Mechanisms of Nonmuscle Myosin-2


2:45 PM Spotlight Awardee Talk: Dana Nikki Reinemann, University of Mississippi, USA


3:01 PM Flash Talks: Gopal Niraula, Crystal Noell, Leila Farhadi,


3:10 PM Selected Talk from Poster: Jing Xu, 


3:20 PM Break


3:35 Business Meeting


3:45 PM Ahmet Yildiz, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Regulation of Microtubule Motors by MAPs


4:00 PM Early Career Awarde Talk: Charlotte Aumeier, University of Geneva, Switzerland
The Dynamic Microtubule Lattice


4:15 PM Peter Bieling, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology, Germany
Controlling Actin Dynamics at Filament Ends - Structural and Biochemical Insights


4:30 PM Kyoko Chiba, Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences (FRIS), Tohoku University, Japan
Biochemical and Biophysical Analysis of ALS-Associated KIF5A Mutant


4:45 PM Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan, EMBL Australia Node for Single Molecule Science, Australia
Unravelling How Motors and Adaptor Proteins Work Together to Mediate Cargo Transport in Cells


5:00 PM KEYNOTE TALK: Tarun Kapoor, The Rockefeller University, USA
Regulating When and Where a Microtubule Assembles: Put a g-tubulin Ring On It

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