
Align your brand with the scientists who are involved in the interdisciplinary field of biophysics.  The Society provides your organization with valuable exposure to a global audience.  Show your commitment to advancing the field of biophysics through one of the multiple sponsorship opportunities.

General Sponsorship


  • Company logo and hyperlink recognition on
    BPS Conference website
  • Company listing in printed daily schedule
  • Recognition on all meeting signage
  • Dedicated space on literature display
    table near registration area
  • (3x) Social Media recognition (Facebook/Twitter)
  • (1) complimentary
    scientific registration
  • Verbal recognition in meeting’s
    opening and closing remarks
  • Complimentary two months
    half size banner ad on
    BPS Conference website


  • Company logo and hyperlink recognition on
    BPS Conference website
  • Company listing in printed daily schedule
  • Recognition on all meeting signage
  • Dedicated space on literature display
    table near registration area
  • (2x) Social Media recognition (Facebook/Twitter)


  • Company logo recognition on
    BPS Conference website
  • Company listing in printed daily schedule
  • Recognition on all meeting signage
  • Dedicated space on literature display
    table near registration area
  • (1x) Social Media recognition (Facebook/Twitter)


  • Company logo recognition on
    BPS Conference website
  • Company listing in printed daily schedule

Journal/Publication Sponsorship Opportunities


  • Logo and hyperlink recognition on
    BPS Conference website
  • Company listing in printed daily schedule
    and full online program book
  • Dedicated space on literature display
    table near registration area
    (at the sponsor's expense and requires pre-approval from BPS)
  • Dedicated support of Program Speaker or specific
    Lecture/Session with recognition in opening
    remarks (verbal) and opening PowerPoint slide (company logo)


  • Logo and hyperlink recognition on
    BPS Conference website
  • Company listing in printed daily schedule
    and full online program book
  • Dedicated space on literature display
    table near registration area
    (at the sponsor's expense and requires pre-approval from BPS)
  • Dedicated support of Program Speaker or specific
    Lecture/Session with recognition in opening
    remarks (verbal) and opening PowerPoint slide (company logo)


  • Logo and hyperlink recognition on
    BPS Conference website
  • Company listing in printed daily schedule
    and full online program book

Don't miss out on supporting this topic based BSP Conference

Secure Sponsorship Today