Do you have an idea for hosting a local networking event for current and potential Biophysical Society members?

The Membership Committee has a mini-grant opportunity, which will provide up to $500 to help you host an event. The venue and format of the event are up to you – we are looking for creative ideas that will promote interactions between members and nonmembers interested in biophysics and the Society. For example, the grant could provide food and beverages for guests attending a presentation by a local biophysicist you recruit. All current Society members are eligible to apply.

Please note that your event must meet the following requirements:

  • Organizer must be a 2025 BPS member
  • No longer than one day
  • Stand-alone event (not part of a larger conference)
  • Promote interaction between different institutions and/or communities in a geographical area not served by the Annual Meeting
  • Emphasis on the promotion of biophysics
  • Take place in an area not currently well served by other opportunities for networking among biophysicists
  • Meeting size of approximately 25 to a maximum of 150 attendees
  • Must be advertised prominently as a BPS-sponsored event
  • Speaker list should include graduate students and postdocs
  • For renewing in-person events: Networking Events will be eligible for funding for a maximum of 3 years each

Complete submission must include:

  • Applicant name(s)
  • Proposed city/state
  • Proposed venue
  • Approximate date of event
  • Proposed title of event
  • Brief description of event
  • Speaker names (if applicable)
  • Number of anticipated attendees
  • Budget for event (expenses and revenue expected)
  • Description of how the meeting/event will be advertised
  • If there are other sponsoring groups or potential sources of funding – names and amounts must be provided
  • Brief explanation of why the event is needed in the proposed location

Apply by April 30, 2025 for an event between August 15, 2025 - January 31, 2026. Apply here:

For more information, view the Frequently Asked Questions or contact us.

The Biophysical Society is now accepting applications for BPS Virtual Networking Events. As the world shifts to remote working environments, BPS is still committed to fostering networking and collaborations among biophysicists. BPS will provide a virtual platform for your meeting and will help you advertise your event. Please see below for additional benefits and application criteria.

Benefits of Hosting a BPS Virtual Networking Event:

  • BPS will provide the Zoom virtual platform for the meeting
  • BPS will help you advertise the meeting (social media, emails, newsletter, etc.)
  • BPS will provide slide templates for the presentation
  • BPS will assist you in monitoring the meeting (someone from staff will be available to assist you during the meeting if it is held between the hours of 7AM-5PM Eastern Time)

Event Criteria:

  • Organizer must be a 2025 BPS member
  • Event must be held between August 15, 2025 - January 31, 2026.
  • Stand-alone event (not part of another conference)
  • Promote interaction between different institutions and/or communities
  • Emphasis on the promotion of the interdisciplinary research in biophysics
  • Meeting size of approximately 25 to a maximum of 100 attendees
  • Must be advertised prominently as a BPS-sponsored event
  • Students and postdocs are expected to play a prominent role

Complete submission must include:

  • Applicant name(s)
  • Approximate date of event
  • Proposed title of event
  • Brief description of event
  • Speaker names (if applicable)
  • Number of anticipated attendees
  • Description of how the meeting/event will be advertised
  • Brief explanation of the goals of the event

Considerations When Planning a Virtual Networking Event:

  • Smaller attendance may allow you to maximize networking.
  • Include a breakout session where communication and networking can take place.
  • Survey attendees ahead of meeting to identify attendees with similar interests for breakout discussions.
  • Highly recommend that attendees join with video so better simulate in person networking events.

Submissions are currently being accepted. Applications are due April 30, 2025 for events to be held August 15, 2025 through January 31, 2026. 
Click here to apply today.


Q. Will BPS staff assist me with my meeting?
A. Prior to your meeting, BPS staff will assist you with advertising for your meeting, collecting registrations, and communicating meeting details to the attendees. On the day of your meeting, BPS staff can assist you for up to two hours during the meeting for technical support, if your meeting takes place between the hours of 7 am - 5 pm EST. If your meeting is scheduled outside of those hours, BPS staff will still help with the planning but will not be present during the meeting. BPS can help run a trial meeting with organizers ahead of the event to make sure the organizers are comfortable with the technical aspects of Zoom. BPS can provide the professional Zoom account for the organizer to host the meeting.

Q. What if the event organizer would like to use a different platform than Zoom?
A. BPS can provide the funds to help support that platform (up to $100 maximum). But BPS will not be able to provide technical support outside of the Zoom platform.

Q. What precautions can I take to make sure my meeting is secured?
A. Follow Zooms’ advice here:

For more information, contact us.