• Each poster board is 33.1" (2.75 ft) wide x 46.8" (3.9 ft) high (portrait style). Typeface should be large enough to be read comfortably by interested attendees from distances of 4-5 feet (1.5 meters). 
  • Mount graphs, micrographs, descriptive legends, etc. on stiff poster board so that they will remain in place when attached to display boards. A few large boards are better than many small ones, and will be easier to mount. 
  • Illustrations should be made in advance of the meeting. Matte finish on micrographs and other photographic reproductions provides better visibility due to reduction of glare from lights. 
  • Display a copy of your abstract. You may also tack several copies of your abstract to the poster board to give to viewers. 
  • Authors are expected to bring their own pushpins, thumbtacks, or velcro for mounting poster materials.