General - Late Abstract Submission Is Now Open
- Late Abstract submission deadline is May 12, 2025, 11:59 PM (Eastern USA).
- Abstract submission is free and there are no additional fees to submit an abstract.
- Your meeting registration must be paid-in-full in order for your abstract to be considered.
- All abstracts submitted for presentation must represent scientific research that cannot be perceived as marketing a specific company or product.
- Authors submitting abstracts are responsible for ensuring that all authors listed on the abstract have been notified of the submission.
- There is a limit of 300 words for the title and body text of your abstract submission.
- Each abstract will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee, and decisions to accept or reject abstracts rest with this committee.
Biophysical Journal Poster Award Competition: Students and Post Docs
Students and postdocs are invited to participate in the BJ Poster Award Competition. To participate, check the appropriate box when submitting your abstract. Winning posters are selected based on scientific content and author presentation. The judging criteria are:
- Hypothesis/Theory: Identification of Problem
- Methods: Procedures & Techniques
- Results: Data, Analysis & Interpretation
- Conclusion & Future Investigations
- Responses to Questions
- Overall Presentation
Revisions and Withdrawals
Attendees who submit early abstracts may make revisions to the content of their abstract or withdraw their abstract until Monday, March 17, 2025. Attendees who submit late abstracts may make revisions to the content of their abstract or withdraw their abstract until Monday, May 12, 2025.Requests for withdrawals must be received in writing by the BPS office. Please include the presenting author’s full name and abstract number.
Request Abstract Revision/Withdrawal
Early Abstract scheduling notices will be sent to Presenting Authors only no later than Friday, March 28, 2025. Late Abstract scheduling notices will be sent to Presenting Authors only no later than Friday, May 16, 2025.It is important that a valid and current email address for the Presenting Author be entered during the abstract submission process. Once an abstract is received by the Biophysical Society all subsequent notifications will be sent to the Presenting Author by email. Notifications will not be sent to the other authors. The Presenting Author holds the responsibility of notifying all authors on the abstract of the scheduling.