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Ben Schuler to Receive the 2023 Kazuhiko Kinosita Award in Single-Molecule Biophysics

ROCKVILLE, MD – The Biophysical Society is pleased to announce that Ben Schuler, PhD, of the University of Zurich, will receive the 2023 Kazuhiko Kinosita Award in Single-Molecule Biophysics. Schuler will be honored at the Society’s 67th Annual Meeting in San Diego, California, February 18-22, 2023.

Schuler is recognized for his development and application of single-molecule fluorescence methodology and the fundamental contributions to understanding protein folding and intrinsically disordered proteins.

“This award honors the legacy of Professor Kazuhiko Kinosita, whose cross-disciplinary approaches, single-molecule studies, and especially his spirit of curiosity, have inspired generations of biophysicists” said BPS President Gail Robertson, University of Wisconsin-Madison. “Dr. Schuler’s innovation of experimental and analytical methods has transformed our understanding of the dimensions and dynamics of unfolded proteins. His work over the past fifteen years has been instrumental in pushing the field of single-molecule biophysics forward.”

About the Award – The Kazuhiko Kinosita Award in Single-Molecule Biophysics recognizes outstanding researchers for their exceptional contributions in advancing the field of single-molecule biophysics. This award honors the life and work of Professor Kazuhiko Kinosita, Jr., who helped to establish the field. The award is intended to encourage investigators, to promote further developments in single-molecule biophysics, to advance the type of cross-disciplinary research that is characteristic of this field, and to elevate an appreciation of single-molecule studies among scientists in general.

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