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Biophysical Society Names 2024 Undergraduate Travel Award Recipients

ROCKVILLE, MD – The Biophysical Society is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2024 Society Undergraduate Travel Awards. These awards are very competitive in nature and are intended to recognize Society members for excellence in biophysics. The winners will be honored at the Society’s 68th Annual Meeting, being held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from February 10-14, 2024.

Yin-Tzu Chen, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA – “Nanopore Sensor to Detect Time Resolved, Label Free Interaction Between RNA and a Small Molecule Therapeutic at Single Molecule Resolution”

Adrien P. Chen, Pennsylvania State University, USA -  “Impact of Chronic Alcohol Consumption on Cardiac Myosin Function: Role of Oxidative Stress”

Lauren P. Conger, Texas Tech University, USA – “A New ATP1A1 Variant Associated with a Novel Disease Phenotype”

Elizabeth A. Conley, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA – “An Automated Chain Tracing Algorithm to Determine Persistence Length and Categorize Polymers by Shape”

Jade Konsler, Wellesley College, USA – “Effects of the Spiroiminodihydantoin Lesion on DNA Base Pair Opening”

Diangen Lin, University of Chicago, USA – “Single-Molecule Study of Disaggregation of Biomolecular Condensates by Heat Shock Proteins”

Alexis Lona, University of California, San Diego, USA – “Global Computational Analyses af Apex Proximity Biotinylation Data Reveal Distinct Trafficking Rules af Chemokine Receptors CCR2 and CCR5”

Ariel E. Matthews, University of Colorado Denver, USA – “Cholesterol Enhances Membrane Binding by Synaptotagmin-7 C2 Domains”

Aditi Prabhala, University of Washington, USA – “A Molecular Dynamics Investigation of the Dysfunction of the Dilated Cardiomyopathy-Associated MYH7 Mutation R369Q”

Krishna M. Raghavan, University of Chicago, USA – “Investigating the Effect of Charge on Alpha-Synuclein's Membrane Binding”

Jose Pablo Rodríguez Zúñiga, II, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica – “ Unraveling the Encrypted Lipophilicity of Disulfide Bridges in the Molecular Architecture of Pepetides: Applicability in the Bioactivity of Antimicrobial Peptides”

Zachary D. Ryan, James Madison University, USA – “ Rational Design of Ultrafast PPCA-RU(BPY)3 Complexes”

Natalia Santos, Trinity University, USA – “ Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Investigate Protein Folding of Cross-Seeded Tau and Amylin in Alzheimer's Disease”

Luthary Segura, Trinity University, Ireland – “Targeting Anti-Aggregation and Anti-Oxidation of Amyloid Deposits for Therapeutic Intervention of Alzheimer's Using Machine Learning Enhanced Molecular Docking”

Tai Lon Tan, Wesleyan University, USA – “ Elucidation of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae MSH2-MSH6 and Holliday Junction Binding Interactions via UV Photocrosslinking



The Biophysical Society, founded in 1958, is a professional, scientific society established to lead an innovative global community working at the interface of the physical and life sciences, across all levels of complexity, and to foster the dissemination of that knowledge. The Society promotes growth in this expanding field through its Annual Meeting, publications, and outreach activities. Its 7,500 members are located throughout the world, where they teach and conduct research in colleges, universities, laboratories, government agencies, and industry.


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