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Patricia M. Bassereau to Receive 2022 Avanti Award in Lipids

ROCKVILLE, MD – The Biophysical Society is pleased to announce that Patricia M. Bassereau, PhD, Membranes and Cellular Functions Team Leader at the Institut Curie, France, will receive the 2022 Avanti Award in Lipids. Bassereau will be honored at the Society’s 66th Annual Meeting, being held in San Francisco, California from February 19-23, 2022.

Bassereau is being recognized for her stellar work on membrane lipid organization and mechanics. Her research career has focused on biological membranes and their role in numerous cellular processes including protein trafficking between organelles and at the plasma membrane (endo/exocytosis), and transport of ions and proteins across membranes. Her in vitro assays provided the first dynamic models on how proteins shape membrane and the role of membrane tension in several biological functions.

“The Avanti Award allows the Society to highlight and reflect on a researcher’s contributions to the biophysics of lipids,” said BPS President Frances Separovic, University of Melbourne, Australia. “Patricia is an exceptional scientist incorporating several scientific fields into her research to understand the role of membrane lipid dynamics in fundamental cellular processes. We look forward to honouring her work and expanding the legacy by which she will be remembered by future biophysicists.”

About the Award - Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc., established this award to recognize an investigator for outstanding contributions to our understanding of lipid biophysics.

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