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Jonathan A. King to Receive 2023 Emily M. Gray Award

ROCKVILLE, MD – The Biophysical Society is pleased to announce that Jonathan A. King, PhD, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has been named the recipient of the 2023 Emily M. Gray Award. King will be honored at the Society’s 67th Annual Meeting in San Diego, California, February 18-22, 2023.

King is recognized for his distinguished record of excellence in classroom teaching, research mentoring, and education of the public on science and policy. During his career in education, King

created one of the first courses on protein folding, trained dozens of graduate students, and has extended his teaching beyond the classroom in the public policy arena. King has dedicated his life to teaching future generations of biophysicists and educating members of the public on the intrinsic value of science.

“It is important that we pause to reflect and recognize members of our community who contribute their time, expertise, and enthusiasm in classrooms across the world,” said BPS President Gail Robertson, University of Wisconsin-Madison. “Jonathan exemplifies the adage that ‘a great educator does not just teach what is known, but how to think.’”

The Emily M. Gray Award is given for significant contributions to education in biophysics, contributions that may include a distinguished record of excellence in classroom instruction, in mentoring research scientists at any level, in developing novel educational methods or materials, in promoting scientific outreach efforts to the public or to youth, in generating a track record of attracting new students to the field of biophysics, or in otherwise fostering an environment exceptionally conducive to education in biophysics. The award is given biennially.

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