
Eduardo Jardón-Valadez

Ambassador Term: 2025-2027 (Cohort VI)

Representing: Mexico

What do you do professionally?I am head of the Nanomaterials and Molecular Biophysics research group at the Earth Resources Department of the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) in Lerma City, Mexico. I graduated from the chemistry school at the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM) with a research project on electrolyte solutions using polarizable water models and molecular simulation methods. Then, I joined to an interdisciplinary group working on diseases of the endocrine system, specifically for disclosing structure-function relationships in membrane protein receptors. As a postdoc in the Theory and Experiments on Membrane Protein Organization (TEMPO) group at UC Irvine, I collaborated on projects devoted to the understanding of the interplay of lipid, water, and membrane protein interactions that shape the protein function, structure, and dynamics. As a full professor at UAM, I collaborate on different projects including membrane-active peptides, modeling of proteins of the immune system, and developing new drugs for GPCR, among other studies.

What led you to apply for the BPS Ambassador Program?In recent years I’ve been involved in organizing academic activities to disseminate research projects on applied biophysics, the BioPhys Mexico conference in 2015, 2019, and 2022. The conference was an excellent platform to bring together professors and researchers from many countries in the Latin America region. At this conference, students and professors had the opportunity to discuss and share their projects with experts in the field.

Ambassador Program Goal:My goal as ambassador is to encourage young scientists, students, and professors to get involved in the academic activities of the Biophysical Society. Moreover, to show some of the progress of interdisciplinary Biophysics in Mexico and Latin America.


Daumantas Matulis

Ambassador Term: 2025-2027 (Cohort VI)

Representing: Lithuania

What do you do professionally?My main passion and experience are in scientific research. Since my return from the US to Lithuania in 2005, I have been heading a research laboratory at Vilnius University. During my PhD studies at the University of Minnesota under the guidance of Prof. Rex E. Lovrien and postdoctoral years advised by Prof. Victor A. Bloomfield, my research focused on the structure and thermodynamics of protein, DNA, and small molecule interactions. Here in Vilnius, I lead a group of scientists to fundamentally understand protein-ligand interactions and their application in the rational design of drugs against cancer and other illnesses.

What led you to apply for the BPS Ambassador Program?I have attended most Annual Biophysical Society Meetings (BPS) since 1996. They tremendously influenced my career and helped me keep pace with the discoveries in this vast and quickly evolving field. In 2014, I noticed that despite numerous researchers working in the biophysics field, there were very few attending the Annual meeting. Lithuania was not even a member of the European Biophysical Societies Association (EBSA). With a group of active researchers, led by Prof. Saulius Šatkauskas at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, we organized the Lithuanian Biophysical Society which is now a member of EBSA. The society has just organized the 4th Baltic Biophysics Conference with over 130 attendees from 12 countries. We also participate in every EBSA meeting. However, there are still rather few Lithuanian scientists who attend BPS meetings, and I would like more of our students and experienced scientists to go there and learn about new developments and discoveries in biophysics.

Ambassador Program Goal:We hope to further promote the BPS in Lithuania, and increase awareness about the Society, its annual meeting, scientific journals, and efforts to unite the world community of biophysicists. In addition, I plan to increase the participation of Lithuanians in the Annual meeting. Furthermore, I hope that our activities and research accomplishments of scientists could be of interest to the BPS and there could be paths to promote in the Society.


Megan O'Mara

Ambassador Term: 2025-2027 (Cohort VI)

Representing: Australia

What do you do professionally?I am a professor and research group leader at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, University of Queensland. My group uses multiscale simulation techniques to understand how changes in the biochemical environment alters membrane properties and modulates the function of membrane proteins. I love problems that apply a biophysical lens to understand the key drivers of biological function. I enjoy interdisciplinary research collaborations, particularly ones that combine experimental and computational biophysics. I am currently the President of the Association of Molecular Modellers of Australasia, and the former Secretary of the Australian Society for Biophysics.

What led you to apply for the BPS Ambassador Program?I am passionate about developing career opportunities for the next generation of biophysicists, increasing research connectivity across the Asia-Pacific region and fostering an inclusive and collegial research culture. At every stage of my career, I have benefited from the mentorship of BPS researchers.

Ambassador Program Goal:My goal is to increase awareness of STEM education and the opportunities that come with this. I want to continue to develop better networks in the Asia-Pacific region to increase opportunities for early and mid-career biophysicists to connect with the international BPS community and strengthen my own connections with the BPS community.


Clovis Takembo Ntahki

Ambassador Term: 2025-2027 (Cohort VI)

Representing: Cameroon

What do you do professionally?I am a Senior Lecturer of Physics and Biophysics at the College of Technology of the University of Buea, Cameroon. I did my undergraduate work at the University of Bamenda and received a PhD in Biophysics in 2020 from the University Yaoundé I. I am a recipient of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Associate Award and Presidential Research Allowance Grants. My main research interest is based on Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience, focusing on the use of mathematical models and numerical techniques in analyzing the effects of electromagnetic induction and radiation on the electrical activities and energy in neurons and neural networks.

What led you to apply for the BPS Ambassador Program?I had the opportunity to become the sponsor of the Cameroon Student Chapter of BPS. That work led me to seek out a larger goal – to promote biophysics as in inclusive discipline, while also helping to bridge gender gap in Cameroon.

Ambassador Program Goal:My goal as an Ambassador is to foster local conversation in promoting biophysical research and how biophysical research could be used in addressing local needs. I am also interested to establish an active cooperation between Biophysical Society and Cameroon Scientific Community to promote biophysics education, training, research and outreaches through workshops and exchange programs. I will also work to champion the creation of a BPS chapter in each university in Cameroon.


Serdar Durdagi

Ambassador Term: 2024-2026 (Cohort V)

Representing: Turkiye

Biography:I am the Dean and a full professor at the School of Pharmacy of the Bahçeşehir University. I am a scientist who conducts research in the field of protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions. My primary focus is on developing effective computational techniques that enable a deeper understanding and exploration of these interactions. My laboratory has been dedicated to developing novel codes using machine learning approaches to develop structure- or ligand-based models against different diseases. We engage in virtual screening of ultra-large molecular databases using these models, ultimately designing new therapeutic molecules. Additionally, we prioritize drug repurposing studies in my laboratory, seeking opportunities to repurpose existing drugs for new therapeutic purposes. 

Ambassador Program Goal:As a BPS Ambassador for Turkey, my primary objective will be to foster stronger integration of the biophysics community in the region with the Biophysical Society. I will actively advocate for events and initiatives aimed at encouraging and supporting young scientists interested in biophysics, guiding them towards rewarding career paths within the field.


Kumiko Hayashi

Ambassador Term: 2024-2026 (Cohort V)

Representing: Japan


I am a professor at the University of Tokyo in Japan. I earned my degree in non-equilibrium statistical physics and, after completing my PhD, I have applied this knowledge to biological systems, including motor proteins. I have a passion for both programming and experimental work, so I aim to create an environment in my lab where both theoretical and experimental research can coexist and complement each other.

I previously held a position as a Council member of the Biophysical Society (BPS) from 2021 to 2023. In Japan, I have extensively organized bilateral symposiums with nations including China, Taiwan, Australia, and the United States. At present, I am part of the Executive Organizing Committee for the 21st IUPAB (International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics) congress, scheduled to take place in Kyoto this June. We are eagerly preparing to welcome all participants to Kyoto in 2024.

Ambassador Program Goal:My goal is for young researchers and students from Japan to feel closer to BPS. To achieve this, I plan to utilize Zoom Meetings to foster interactions between BPS members from around the world and young Japanese researchers and students. I also intend to collaborate with the Japanese Student Chapter.


Leonel Malacrida

Ambassador Term: 2024-2026 (Cohort V)

Representing: Uruguay

Biography:Professionally, I hold a position as the Head of the Advanced Bioimaging Unit (UBA), a groundbreaking collaborative venture between the Universidad de la República and the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo in Uruguay. Additionally, I am an Associate Professor in the Pathophysiology Department at the Hospital de Clínicas, Facultad de Medicina, Udelar. At the UBA, my passion and expertise converge as I lead the development of cutting-edge tools encompassing hardware, software, and novel methodologies at the intersection of microscopy and spectroscopy. These innovations empower us to dissect intricate biological quandaries through a rigorous quantitative lens. A prime example of my research endeavors is the exploration of intracellular molecular crowding, where I employ state-of-the-art fluorescence microscopy techniques to unravel the mysteries within.

Ambassador Program Goal:As a BPS Ambassador, I aspire to tighten BPS and regional initiatives like LAFeBS and LABI. Through my extensive involvement with these organizations, I aim to create a favorable ecosystem that enhances young biophysicists' prospects, helping them access the many BPS activities. My ultimate goal is to promote biophysics-related regional workshops and courses, spotlighting the exceptional work of many Latin American biophysicists.


George Shubeita

Ambassador Term: 2024-2026 (Cohort V)

Representing: United Arab Emirates (UAE)

I study a range of problems relating to molecular motor-based trafficking, its regulation, and dysregulation in disease, and works on developing predictive understanding of the consequences of macromolecular crowding on biological function. Part of my efforts are also dedicated to developing new biophysical tools. I have pioneered methods that allow precise single-molecule force measurements within living cells.

Ambassador Program Goal:
In my role as a Biophysical Society Ambassador, I aim to extend my experience of promoting biophysics at my institution to a more regional effort and emphasizes the unique opportunity in the UAE, where numerous higher education institutions are in close proximity, making collaborative efforts feasible and meaningful. The accelerating pace of interest in fundamental and applied research in the UAE, coupled with the agility in decision-making due to minimal institutional inertia, provides a fertile ground for advancing biophysics. A stronger biophysics presence at this stage and stronger global connections with biophysicists will have a long-lasting impact.


Neelanjana Sengupta

Ambassador Term: 2023-2025 (Cohort IV)

Representing: India

I am an Associate Professor at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata. My interdisciplinary group combines statistical thermodynamics and in silico approaches to explore, understand and predict emergent biomolecular phenomena. Our problems are frequently inspired by phenomenology, and sometimes by intuition. We explore intersections of biomolecular organization, interfacial complexity, enzymatic behavior and extreme thermodynamic conditions. Our more recent forays involve data-driven algorithm design for efficient estimation of kinetic barriers within protein systems.

Ambassador Program Goal:
I am an Associate Professor at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata. My interdisciplinary group combines statistical thermodynamics and in silico approaches to explore, understand and predict emergent biomolecular phenomena. Our problems are frequently inspired by phenomenology, and sometimes by intuition. We explore intersections of biomolecular organization, interfacial complexity, enzymatic behavior and extreme thermodynamic conditions. Our more recent forays involve data-driven algorithm design for efficient estimation of kinetic barriers within protein systems.


Miguel Castanho

Ambassador Term: 2023-2025 (Cohort IV)

Representing: Portugal

I am the head of the Biochemistry Department of the School of Medicine of the University of Lisbon, in Portugal. I am also the group leader of the Physical Biochemistry of drugs and targets lab of the Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Lisbon, Portugal.

Ambassador Program Goal:
Scientific societies serve as catalysts in the lives of young researchers. As ambassador, I would like to contribute to these life-changing power of BPS. There is nothing more impactful to advance science than fueling the enthusiasm of young people. Through the ambassadors abroad BPS can expand and reinforce its influence. 30 years ago young biophysicists around the globe had to go to the US to experience the benefits of BPS, now it is BPS that meet the people through the ambassadors. I want to be part of this.


Ana-Nicoleta Bondar

Ambassador Term: 2023-2025 (Cohort IV)

Representing: Romania

I am a full professor at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Bucharest and a visiting scientist at the Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institute for Computational Biomedicine (IAS-5/INM-9). We work on the development and applications of efficient computational approaches to study the role of dynamic hydrogen bond networks in protein function. I teach on computational modeling and bioinformatics of biomolecules.

Ambassador Program Goal:
I am passionate about communicating science. I applied to the BPS Ambassadors Program to become a better advocate for promoting biophysics research and biophysics study curricula in my home country, where I returned in 2021 after >20 years at research Institutions in Germany and the USA. My goal as an Ambassador of the Biophysical Society is to promote biophysics research and study to young students. I aim to create opportunities for students and junior scientists to engage in networking with the international biophysics community, to develop and strengthen networks of collaboration with the Biophysical Society, and to establish a network of mentorship for biophysics students and junior colleagues.


Jesus Perez-Gil

Ambassador Term: 2023-2025 (Cohort IV)

Representing: Spain

I got my PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and became engaged into Biophysics after a postdoc at Memorial university of Newfondland, in St. John’s, Canada and another one at the Max-Planck-Institut fur Biophysikalische Chemie in Göttingen, Germany. The main interest of our research has been always the study of lipid-protein interactions in different physiological systems, with special interest in the behavior of the pulmonary surfactant, a key element of respiratory physiology.

Ambassador Program Goal:
I just ended my term as President of the Spanish Biophysical Society (SBE) and of the European Biophysical Societies Association (EBSA), always trying to promote Biophysics-based cooperation and training, especially amongst the young researchers. My main goal as BPS Ambassador is to promote connection and cooperativity between biophysicists all around the world, with particular emphasis in facilitating training and mentoring for the youngest scientists that will make the Biophysics of future. Also, to potentiate the multidisciplinary view of science, a view deeply represented by Biophysics.


Renae Ryan

Ambassador Term: 2022-2024 (Cohort III)

Representing: Australia

I am a Professor at the University of Sydney, Australia. My group studies the structure and function of membrane proteins with a focus on amino acid and neurotransmitter transporters. Over my career, I have always had a love of biophysics and using biophysical techniques to understand the molecular mechanism of transport proteins, which I think are the coolest proteins! I am currently the Secretary-General of the Asian Biophysics Association (ABA) which brings together the Biophysical Societies of seven countries in Asia (Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Taiwan) to promote Biophysics and collaboration in the Asia-Pacific region. We co-host a major meeting with one of the member societies every 3 years and ABA is an Adhering Body of the International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics.  

Ambassador Program Goal:
I hope to develop better connections between biophysics in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region with the North American/European biophysical communities and to expand the international reach of BPS. I also want to provide better opportunities for the next generation of biophysicists from our region to connect in with the international community and strengthen my own connections with the BPS community.


Donald C. Chang

Ambassador Term: 2022-2024 (Cohort III)

Representing: China

I was trained in Physics (B.A. from the National Taiwan University 1965; and Ph.D. from Rice University in Houston, 1970). During the 70s and 80s, I conducted research at the Baylor College of Medicine and the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole. In 1991, I joined the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) as a founding faculty member. Currently, I am Professor Emeritus at HKUST. My research interest is very broad, including biophysics, biotechnology and quantum physics. I was involved in the pioneering works of MRI development. My team discovered that NMR relaxation times (T1 and T2) of cellular water undergo a progressive change when the tissue transforms from the normal to pre-neoplastic and then to tumor state (PNAS 1972 and Nature 1972). This discovery enabled physicians to use NMR to detect the early stage of cancer development. More recently, my research was devoted to studies of signaling mechanisms in cell cycle and gene transfer technology.

Ambassador Program Goal:
I would like to promote more active collaboration between the physics and life science communities in this region. Also, I am a strong believer that: (a) the spirit of science is built on curiosity, innovation, and freedom of thoughts, and (b) social responsibility should be an important part of science. As a BPS Ambassador, I hope to promote such spirits in the future BPS-associated activities.


Philip Mang'are

Ambassador Term: 2022-2024 (Cohort III)

Representing: Kenya

I am Philip Amuyunzu Mang’are, a Lecturer of Physics in Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, and an author of high school books. I studied Bachelor of Education (Science), Master of Science (Physics) and PhD (Physics) in Egerton University, Kenya. My research has been on behavioural biophysics, establishing the phonotactic responses of the mated female A. gambiae which are malaria vectors. Out of this research, a mosquito repellent device has been designed and constructed for use as an additional tool in malaria vector control. Besides being a Lecturer of Physics, I have taught Physics and Mathematics for over 15 years in high school and a Trainer of Teachers of Science under the Strengthening Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education (SMASSE) programme in Vihiga County.

Ambassador Program Goal:
As a BPS Ambassador, I look forward to establishing five BPS chapters per year in Universities in Kenya, conduct annual Biophysical International Conference, and ensure all chapters participate in BPS activities. I will use this position to promote membership of the Society by moving to all Chapters. I will expand these activities to all East African Countries including Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Sudan, Egypt, Burundi among others. So far, the Uganda Chapter is under registration. I will embrace teamwork and collegiality among chapter membership through online meetings with them, actual visitation to their institutions and advocating for Biophysics with the government.


Katarzyna ‘Kasia’ Tych

Ambassador Term: 2022-2024 (Cohort III)

Representing: Netherlands

I am a Rosalind Franklin fellow and tenure track assistant professor at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, leading a research group in experimental single-molecule biophysics. We work on a broad range of projects primarily seeking to expand the tools available to study the relationships between structure, function, and dynamics of individual biological molecules.

Ambassador Program Goal:
I am passionate about making science more accessible and welcoming to women and under-represented minorities. Throughout my career to date, I have organized and taken part in a number of initiatives with this in mind and becoming a BPS Ambassador is a great opportunity to continue to work towards this goal.


Canan Atilgan

Ambassador Term: 2021-2023 (Cohort II)

Representing: Turkiye

I am a Professor at Sabanci University and an elected member of the Science Academy, Istanbul. We develop efficient computational methods for navigating protein landscapes; we strive to advance the understanding on long-range communication in molecular machines. Locally, I advocate science communication, by serving on the editorial board of the Turkish language popular science website, and by making appearances on various media outlets and school programs to promote science careers. Being a first-generation PhD and the very first woman college graduate in my family, it took time to discover my destiny in academia. I stumbled upon and was immediately fascinated by biophysical problems in the last year of my PhD studies, while doing polymer physics research in a chemical engineering department. Fast forward 25 years, and now I wish to use my visibility to leverage biophysics as a career path for aspiring scientists, and to put biophysical understanding within the reach of science enthusiasts.

Ambassador Program Goal:
I will advocate events designed to channel underrepresented groups interested in biophysics into related career paths; I will promote mentorship activities for the professional development of those who have already taken these paths. I will initiate organization of thematic meetings focused on physics-based approaches and trans-disciplinary advancements in the field. Expanding on my current outreach efforts, I will engage in development of science curricula utilizing biophysics as a unifying theme.


Gonzalo de Prat Gay

Ambassador Term: 2021-2023 (Cohort II)

Representing: Argentina

I am got a degree in Biochemistry at the University of Buenos Aires and did my PhD at the same university working on photosynthetic enzymes. I trained in basic protein science at Cambridge University, UK that allowed me to tackle my long-term interest which has been understanding viruses from their protein components, interactions, and assembly, and at the same time addressing fundamental problems of protein science such as folding, intrinsic disorder, nucleic acid recognition, antibody-antigen, and more recently biomolecular condensates, in a multidisciplinary manner, going from biophysics to cell culture and infection. I have been working throughout the years in two important pathogen representative of RNA (syncytial respiratory virus) and DNA (papillomavirus) viruses. I am a career researcher at the Argentine national Science Council, lead a lab at Instituto Leloir, and devote most of my time to research.

Ambassador Program Goal:
I always sensed that our local society and biophysicists along the country, including myself, are somehow disconnected from the Biophysical Society as the nucleating component. This hampers collaborations and networking. My intention is to build bridges between Argentine Biophysics and BS, expand BSs horizons and identify opportunities of mutual benefit


Irep Gozen

Ambassador Term: 2021-2023 (Cohort II)

Representing: Norway

I am a group leader and associate professor at the University of Oslo, and currently head of the Soft Materials Laboratory at the Center for Molecular Medicine in Norway. My research area is bionanoscience, with a special focus on surfactant membranes. I became member of the American Biophysical Society in 2010 during my PhD studies, and have been attending the annual BPS meetings since then, where I received encouragement and critical feedback, and build a network with biophysics experts from all over the world. I want to stronger include the Nordic Region, bring researchers closer together, and visibly promote science in the interest of the biophysics community worldwide.

Ambassador Program Goal:
I will work towards strengthening the connections between the biophysics communities in the U.S. and in the Scandinavian region. I am planning activities with focus on organizing workshops, especially encouraging female scientists in STEM, on evaluating and commenting on research trends, publishing regularly for audiences of various backgrounds, and establishing links to administrative and funding bodies in Norway.


Siti Ngalim

Ambassador Term: 2021-2023 (Cohort II)

Representing: Malaysia

I am a Senior Lecturer at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Bertam Campus in Penang, Malaysia. I do research and teaching in the subject of biointerface (micro- and nanopatterning) and cell adhesion. In late 2018, a few colleagues and I officially started a local biophysical society (Pertubuhan Biofizik Malaysia). The reason being we would like to make Biophysics, especially Mechanobiology, known and interesting for local STEM communities and students. I am also currently a committee member for 2021 BPS Cell Adhesion Networks Thematic Meeting, which will be held - for the first time - in Miri Sarawak (Borneo) in late 2021. In my spare time, I am developing fun side projects using Artificial Intelligence technologies to increase accessibility, knowledge and communication on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) amongst local Blind and Visually Impaired (BVI) community and the public. Yes, I can read braille too.

Ambassador Program Goal:
I am thankful to the BPS for the opportunity. My aim as a BPS ambassador is to create more biophysics-related activities and awareness in Malaysia. I will share the news with international BPS community soon.


Samrat Mukhopadhyay

Ambassador Term: 2020-2022 (Cohort I)

Representing: India

I obtained my doctoral degree from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and then did my postdoctoral research at the Scripps Research Institute, California, USA. My laboratory at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali is involved in studying the key molecular characteristics of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) by utilizing a diverse array of approaches involving biophysics, biochemistry, molecular-, cellular-, and chemical biology, fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, super-resolution imaging, single-molecule, and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. We aim at delineating the molecular mechanism of amyloid formation and liquid-liquid phase separation of various IDPs. Apart from biophysics, I am also interested in old music, history, and traveling.

Ambassador Program Goal:
As a BPS Ambassador, I will be able to engage with a larger section of younger students and established biophysicists from both India and overseas and to promote biophysics research, education, and outreach.


Olwyn Byron

Ambassador Term: 2020-2022 (Cohort I)

Representing: United Kingdom

I am a Professor of Biophysics at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, UK. My job consists of a traditional mix of teaching, administration and research. My research focusses on meso-resolution solution state molecular biophysics and the tools I use are analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC), small angle X-ray and neutron scattering (SAXS, SANS) and hydrodynamic bead modelling (HBM). Fun fact about me: if I wasn’t a scientist, I’d be a drummer in a band.

Ambassador Program Goal:
I am honoured to currently serve as Chair of the British Biophysical Society (BBS) and one of my goals as a BPS Ambassador is to strengthen the links between our two societies. I’m looking forward to a great partnership!


Nuno C. Santos

Ambassador Term: 2020-2022 (Cohort I)

Representing: Portugal

I completed my PhD at the University of Lisbon in 1999, after conducting part of the experimental work at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Currently, I am Professor at the University of Lisbon Medical School, and Head of the Biomembranes and Nanomedicine Unit at the Institute of Molecular Medicine. Our research work spans peptide/protein-membrane interactions, nanobiophysics, infectious and cardiovascular diseases. On my spare time, I like travelling (52 different countries and counting!), playing water polo, hiking, kayaking and mountain biking.

Ambassador Program Goal:
I am the President of the Portuguese Biophysical Society since 2015. I have been a member of BPS since 1997, when I was a PhD student. As a BPS Ambassador, I would like to promote Biophysics and the BPS activities, not only in Portugal, but also on some developing countries with whom I have been cooperating.


John Baenziger

Ambassador Term: 2020-2022 (Cohort I)

Representing: Canada

I am a professor of Biochemistry at the University of Ottawa. I teach courses on protein structure and function. I run an active research program studying the structures and mechanisms underlying the allosteric modulation of ligand-gated ion channels. I have been very active in the Biophysical Society of Canada (BSC). The BSC focuses on the promotion of Biophysics in Canada by supporting an annual congress, networking events, and newsletters, as well as by recognizing the scientific achievements of our members. Through the BSC, I have been particularly active in the promotion of the careers of trainees by advocating for both trainee travel and merit awards. I am an active outdoor enthusiast – I love surfing, white water canoeing, biking, skiing and hiking!

Ambassador Program Goal:
My main goal as a BPS Ambassador is to create stronger links between the BSC and the BPS to promote biophysics, with a particular focus on fostering better opportunities for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows.