Scientists must do more to engage the public, educate members of their community about their research, and build support for sound science policies and strong research investments.

The Biophysical Society is excited to work with you to develop effective messages and impactful advocacy events to build support for science in your backyard and in the halls of Congress. Our Advocacy Program seeks to provide members with simple but impactful ways to engage their communities and build public support for science.

Opinion Piece Program

Opinion pieces or letters to the editor (LTEs) allow the Society and its members the ability to build local awareness of their research activities or policy priorities or to simply call attention to pressing societal issue. At 600-800 word, these concise articles allow members to communicate their personal backgrounds, their research and scientific work, and call attention a press issue affecting their country or region, in their own words. Pieces can be placed in media outlets around the world.

BPS staff is here to provide the support you need to get your piece published. We are happy to provide you with templates, help you brainstorm an idea, review your draft, and help contact media outlets to pitch your piece.

Sign up for the program and view our author tip sheet.

Host a Member of Congress at Your Lab or Visit Their District Office

Host a Congressional Tour:

BPS Staff will work with you to host a Member of Congress at your lab, university or workplace. Together, we will develop a scheduling request, loop in relevant internal parties (government affairs offices), and coordinate event logistics and press. The visits typically last an hour and provide a meaningful opportunity to demonstrate the importance of federal science funding to Members of Congress.

Sign up for our program or contact BPS for more information.

Visit a District Office:

Visiting a Member of Congress’ district office is an easy and impactful way to build a relationship with a policymakers. Together, we will schedule a time for you to visit with a Member of Congress or a staff member and develop advocacy materials for you to share. These meetings tend to last 30 minutes and provide a meaningful opportunity to advocate for your biophysics.

Sign up for our program or contact BPS for more information.

DC Fly-ins: Advocate for Biophysics in the Nation’s Capital

Each year, BPS members participate in advocacy days on Capitol Hill. These events bring researchers from all over the United States together to advocate for sustainable research investments and evidence-based public policies.

The Rally for Medical Research – September 18, 2025
Held every September, this Capitol Hill Day event continues the momentum established in 2013, and includes more than 300 national organizations coming together in support of the Rally for Medical Research. The purpose of the Rally is to call on our nation's policymakers to make funding for National Institutes of Health (NIH) a national priority and raise awareness about the importance of continued investment in medical research.

BPS offers travel subsidies to interested members. Learn more and sign-up by contacting BPS.

Contribute to the BPS Blog or Newsletter

Our international membership is craving content that is relevant to them. Interested in highlighting science policy in your country or an exciting research development in your region that is not getting much attention in the US? Writing a post for the BPS blog or monthly newsletter can be an excellent way to contribute, without committing to an opinion piece.

Please contact BPS for more information.

Biophysics Week: Plan an Event!

Biophysics Week was started in 2016 to celebrate and raise awareness of our field. Last year, there were over 68 events held to highlight biophysics around the world!

Interested in hosting an event to highlight Biophysics during the week? Here are some ideas:

  • Host a Guest Lecturer
  • Set up an Awareness Table at your local school highlighting your major and/or department
  • Plan a local meet-up of biophysicists
  • Schedule a lunch seminar showcasing student research in biophysics
  • Teach a lesson on biophysics to a local high school class
  • Conduct a lab tour or a tour to show off your school’s major facilities
  • If you have a related event already planned during this week, please consider making it a part of the Biophysics Week instead.

The Society is here to help you plan a successful event. Please submit your event idea here.