Please Note: The new page estimate no longer includes references for Regular Articles.

Word Count -- Characters (with spaces):
Include the title page, abstract, article text, appendices, and table and figure legends. Use the Characters (with spaces) word count
Total # of fig. & tables:
Figures should be submitted at approx. 3.25 inches in width by 4 in height; if any figures are larger than this, they must be counted as 2 in the formula
 * Page Estimate:
(Must be 10.0 or less)
* Your paper will be checked against this formula. Please note that the formula is aimed at producing papers that are 10 pages in length. Given the variables involved in typesetting, it may not be precise. Therefore, it is important to follow the guidelines for the formula.

Quick Reference for Page Estimate

The numbers listed below can be used as a general reference point when writing your manuscript.
Characters (with spaces) Max. # of figures/tables
45,000 10
48,000 8
50,000 6
52,000 5
55,000 3