
As the Biophysical Society continues to grow, the Society's Subgroups allow members to meet and interact within more focused areas in smaller groups. Subgroups hold scientific symposia and business meetings each year on the Saturday that starts the Annual Meeting. They also sponsor several awards, including the Student Research Achievement Awards (SRAA) Poster Competition. Membership to the Society's Subgroups is open to all members.

You may become a part of any of Subgroups listed below by becoming a BPS member. If you are existing member and would like to make changes to your subgroup, View or Change your Subgroup(s)

Theory & Computation

The purpose of the Theory and Computation Subgroup is to better highlight and network biophysicists who are interested in theoretical and computational aspects of biophysical systems, to provide a scientific forum for mini-symposia before Biophysical Society (BPS) meetings, to elevate the visibility and importance of theory and simulation within BPS overall, and to attract new members to BPS in this area.  

The purpose of the Theory and Computation Subgroup is to better highlight and network biophysicists who are interested in theoretical and computational aspects of biophysical systems, to provide a scientific forum for mini-symposia before Biophysical Society (BPS) meetings, to elevate the visibility and importance of theory and simulation within BPS overall, and to attract new members to BPS in this area.  

The role of theory and computation in biophysical research has grown enormously over the past 50 years. Much of this growth has occurred in the area of all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Likewise, the role of physics-based analytical theory continues to be central to our understanding of biophysical systems. In recent years there has been dramatic growth in related and new computational areas, such as free energy sampling, coarse-graining, QM/MM, ligand docking, multiscale modeling, knowledge and data driven computational biology, and most recently in the explosive growth of machine learning methods that may well fundamentally influence significant segments of biophysical science. Indeed, we have reached a point in time where the strongest papers and grant proposals have both experimental and theoretical/computational elements to them. 

We welcome all theoretical and computational approaches for the study of biophysical systems, including (but not limited to) analytical theory and those computational methods mentioned above – all with a strong connection to experimental biophysical research to the extent possible.  


In order to join the Theory & Computation Subgroup, you must be a member of the Society.

Benoit Roux, Chair (2024-2025)

Sarah Harris, Chair-Elect (2024-2025)

Viviana Monje-Galvan, Secretary-Treasurer (2024-2026)

Justin Lemkul, Executive Council Member (2024-2026)

Pratyush Tiwary, Executive Council Member (2022-2025)

Bryn Taylor, Executive Council Member (2024-2026)

Margaret Johnson, Executive Council Member (2022-2025)

James C. (JC) Gumbart, Executive Council Member (2024-2026)

Mia Rosenfeld, Outreach Coordinator, (2024-2025)

2024 Symposium

Saturday, February 10, 2024
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania/p>

View Program

2023 Symposium

Saturday, February 18, 2023
San Diego, California

View Program

2022 Symposium

Saturday, February 19, 2022
San Francisco, California

View Program

Year Winner Institution  
2024 Glen Hocky New York University  
2023 Giulia Palermo University of California, Riverside  

Year Winner Institution  
2024 Lynn Kammerlin Georgia Institute of Technology  
2023 Xuhui Huang University of Wisconsin, Madison  

Theory and Computation Subgroup Bylaws 

Article I  
Purpose: The purpose of the Theory and Computation Subgroup is to better highlight and network biophysicists who are interested in theoretical and computational aspects of biophysical systems, to provide a scientific forum for mini-symposia before BPS meetings, to elevate the visibility and importance of theory and simulation within the BPS overall, and to attract new members to the BPS in this area. We welcome all theoretical and computational approaches for the study of biophysical systems, including (and not limited to) analytical theory, atomistic simulations, multiscale modeling, coarse-graining, data-based computational biology, and machine learning approaches – all with a strong connection where possible to experimental biophysical research. 


Article II  
Membership: Members of the Biophysical Society may join Theory and Computation; non-members of the Biophysical Society are welcome to attend Theory and Computation symposia but are unable to join the Subgroup, serve as Officers of the Subgroup, or vote.  


Article III 
Dissolution: The Theory and Computation Subgroup must be in accordance with the Biophysical Society’s constitution and bylaws, mission, values, goals, and operational guidelines. If the Subgroup is found in violation of the Society’s bylaws or guidelines, the group will be placed on probation and may be dissolved at the discretion of the Council of the Biophysical Society.  


Article IV 
Meetings: Business meetings shall be held in connection with the annual scientific meeting of the Biophysical Society. Five percent of the members of Theory and Computation or 10 members, whichever is smaller, shall constitute a quorum. Scientific meetings shall be held in association with the annual Biophysical Society meetings, and must follow the guidelines established by the BPS Council. 


Article V 
Officers: The Officers of the Subgroup will consist of a Chair, a Chair-Elect, and a Secretary-Treasurer. The Chair-elect shall serve one year as such followed by one year as Chair. The Chair-Elect, in consultation with the Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, and other members of the Executive Committee, shall serve as Program Chair in the year before becoming Chair. In the year following being Chair, the Chair will serve one additional year as Past-Chair to provide additional advice and support and continuity. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected for a term of two years to further ensure continuity. The Officers will be responsible for assembling the scientific program for the annual Subgroup Meeting, which will involve both selecting talks from submitted abstracts, in addition to actively inviting speakers, as well as planning for any social events during the meeting. The Subgroup Chair and Chair-Elect will run the business meeting and make sure bylaws are being followed. The Secretary-Treasurer will make sure the books are balanced and the money is being spent according to the spirit of the Subgroup. 


Article VI 
Executive Committee: The Executive Committee will be responsible for fulfilling the scientific and business obligations of the group. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Past-Chair, and three additional Members Elected by the Subgroup Membership (see Article 10). The Executive Committee shall have the power to conduct other business by means of electronic vote. The affairs of the Subgroup shall be handled by the Officers in accordance with the policies determined by the Executive Committee and the Biophysical Society Council.  


Article VII 
Nominating Committee: The members of the Executive Committee shall constitute the nominating committee. The Nominating Committee is responsible for soliciting nominations from subgroup membership and for preparing the final slate of candidates. Nominations will be received electronically up to one month prior to the Subgroup’s business meeting. Nominees must accept their nomination prior to being placed on a ballot.  


Article VIII 
Eligibility for Office: Only members of Theory and Computation Subgroup can be candidates for offices. Members may not be elected to any one office more than once every five years.  


Article IX 
Should a Subgroup award or awards be established, an Awards Committee consisting of 5 Subgroup members chosen by the Executive Committee will solicit nominations through a call to all subgroup members, evaluate nominations, and select awardee(s).  The committee’s selection criteria will be based on scientific excellence first but must also consider diversity. Award Committee members cannot include present Subgroup officers or individuals having an affiliation with the award sponsors.  


Article X 
Elections: Elections will be held electronically at least two weeks prior to the Subgroup’s business meeting. The candidate for each office receiving the highest number of votes will be elected. The results will be announced to the Subgroup’s membership during the Subgroup’s Business meeting.  Officers will take office at the end of the annual business meeting held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Biophysical Society. Interim vacancies in officers or councilors will be filled in accordance with By-Law Article VII of the Biophysical Society.  


Article XI 
Amendments to the Bylaws: Amendments should arise from the members of the Theory and Computation subgroup, approved by a two-thirds majority of the Subgroup’s Executive Committee, and ratified in an electronic ballot by a majority of the members of the group voting.  

The following word cloud is comprised of the speaker talk titles from our symposia.