Beyond English as the Language of Science – A Multilingual Biophysics Networking Event Anna Bukiya, Samuel Cho, Candice Etson, Lisandra Flores Aldama, Stephen Jett, Jinwoo Lee, Ko Momotani, César Ramirez-Sarmiento, Catherine Royer Upcoming Webinars, Career Development, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Webinar Date: 3/24/2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM USA Eastern Export event There is no debating the fact that the vast majority of scientific discourse is carried out in English. But this was not always the case. From the 15th through the 17th century, the language of choice for professional communication among scientists from across the globe was Latin. As Latin fell out of favor, scientists often opted to write in their own language, with French, English, and German taking on a dominant role. However, by the middle of the 20th century, English emerged as the common language for scientific communication. This has had an enormous impact on how people across the globe talk about scientific ideas, influencing how science education is conducted in countries where English is not the language most often spoken, and placing significant burdens on scientists for whom English is not their native language. While it may, at first glance, seem like having a common language for scientific discourse could help improve communication between scientists from different backgrounds, not making space for people to talk about ideas in their own language can have the effect of excluding certain ways of thinking, and even result in the loss of knowledge from other cultural backgrounds. The goals of this event are: To create space for biophysicists who prefer to communicate in languages other than spoken English to discuss science in their chosen language To help raise awareness of the unique challenges faced by scientists who are not native English speakers To foster connections between the international community of biophysicists Moderated breakout rooms focused on the following languages will be available: Spanish French German Ukrainian Korean Japanese Communication for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing scientists (ASL interpreter and captioning will be available) Additional languages may be accommodated on request Non-Member Fee: $ 0 Member Fee: $ 0 Purchase Recording Register for this Webinar Are you a member? Login to Watch You 've already registered for this webinar! Go Back Previous Webinar Career Q&A with Alaina G. Levine - Thursday Open Office Hours Next Webinar Inside Perspectives and Opportunities: NSF Grants 1348 Comments are only visible to subscribers.