Inside Perspectives and Opportunities: NSF Grants Engin Serpersu and Jaroslaw (Jarek) Majewski Upcoming Webinars, Policy, Funding & Advocacy Webinar Date: 3/24/2023 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM USA Eastern Export event The National Science Foundation (NSF) is one of the largest federal funders of biophysical research each year alongside the National Institutes of Health. Through the Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, scientists continue to advance basic and biomedical research. Join us for an insider’s perspective on the various divisions offering grant funding within NSF and learn how to put together a strong grant application. This session is a great opportunity for new and early career investigators, Register Now! Panel: Engin Serpersu, NSF Program Director, Molecular Cellular Sciences Division Jaroslaw (Jarek) Majewski, Program Director, BIO/MCB - Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Non-Member Fee: $ 0 Member Fee: $ 0 Purchase Recording Register for this Webinar Are you a member? Login to Watch You 've already registered for this webinar! Go Back Previous Webinar Beyond English as the Language of Science – A Multilingual Biophysics Networking Event Next Webinar Black in Biophysics Spotlight: Q&A with Bil Clemons 944 Comments are only visible to subscribers.