Establish Relationships. Build Your Business.
Join BPS today to connect with scientists worldwide doing biophysical research in biology, physics, chemistry, materials science, bioengineering, and much more.
An Industry Partner Membership provides public and private organizations, including nonprofits and foundations, direct access to the Biophysical Society’s international scientific community.
BPS Industry Partners enjoy a variety of benefits with their membership. The most valuable Industry Partner member benefit is access to decision makers, resulting in significant visibility among BPS members and accelerated company growth.
Members are acknowledged year-round and at the Annual Meeting, which reaches thousands of scientists across a myriad of research areas.
Discover how we can help you build your business by leveraging the BPS brand.

Your partnership provides prominent positioning and year-round access to a qualified targeted market, aligning your products and services with BPS membership, core supporters, and decision-makers with purchasing power.

We significantly increase your visibility with BPS members and help you gain access to our scientific community.

Support science education and enhance existing programs and projects that benefit thousands of life science professionals.
We are committed to working with you.
All funds generated from this program help support BPS activities, which, in turn, support our members’ research. Your investment will be rewarded with recognition and access to BPS members. Becoming involved as an Industry Partner will help you take advantage of all that BPS has to offer and maximize your exposure throughout the year. With BPS as your marketing partner, you will benefit from distinctive program offerings tailored to accomplish your marketing goals based on a wide range of budgets.
BPS offers three levels of Industry Partner Membership
Year-Round Visibility
- Company logo with link featured on Society and Industry Partner webpages
- Year-round use of Industry Partner Member logo
- Year-round recognition of membership in BPS Bulletin
- Complimentary one year subscription to BPS Bulletin
- (2) complimentary full color, quarter page ads in BPS Bulletin
- Complimentary Product Guide basic listing
- $100 credit toward Product Guide enhanced listing
- (3) complimentary 30-day job postings on the BPS Job Board
- Complimentary two months, half size online banner ads on Society webpage
- (3) social media posts throughout year on Facebook/Twitter
- Complimentary one-time use of company logo with link displayed in Member Update email recognizing Industry Partner members
- 15% discount for one-time use of Society Membership mailing list (7,500 members)
Annual Meeting Presence
- Company logo and hyperlink featured on Annual Meeting homepage
- Recognition in the print and online Annual Meeting Daily Schedule Book
- Complimentary full color, half page ad in Annual Meeting Daily Schedule Book
- A ribbon for your meeting badge identifying you as an Industry Partner Member representative
- Dedicated onsite signage at Annual Meeting recognizing Industry Partner Members
- Dedicated sign of recognition to display in exhibit booth acknowledging Industry Partner Membership
- One complimentary scientific registration at Annual Meeting
- One complimentary aisle sign at Annual Meeting (aisle selection first come, first served)
- Complimentary one time use of Pre- or Post-Attendee Mailing List (6,000+ registrants)
- Complimentary two months, half size online banner ads on Annual Meeting homepage
- Complimentary table at the Education & Opportunities Fair at Annual Meeting
- Highlighted booth on online floor plan recognizing Industry Partner Members
- Complimentary enhanced listing (includes company logo on online floor plan, mobile app, print/online Daily Schedule Book)
- Preferred booth space selection for following year’s Annual Meeting
Year-Round Visibility
- Company logo with link featured on Society and Industry Partner webpages
- Year-round use of Industry Partner Member logo
- Year-round recognition of membership in BPS Bulletin
- Complimentary one year subscription to BPS Bulletin
- (1) complimentary full color, quarter page ad in BPS Bulletin
- Complimentary Product Guide basic listing
- $50 credit toward Product Guide enhanced listing
- (2) complimentary 30-day job postings on the BPS Job Board
- Complimentary one month, half size online banner ad on Society webpage
- (2) social media posts throughout year on Facebook/Twitter
Annual Meeting Presence
- Company logo and hyperlink featured on Annual Meeting homepage
- Recognition in the print and online Annual Meeting Daily Schedule Book
- A ribbon for your meeting badge identifying you as an Industry Partner Member representative
- Dedicated onsite signage at Annual Meeting recognizing Industry Partner Members
- Dedicated sign of recognition to display in exhibit booth acknowledging Industry Partner Membership
- 15% discount for one time use of Pre- or Post-Attendee Mailing List (6,000+ registrants)
- Complimentary one month, half size online banner ad on Annual Meeting homepage
- Complimentary table at the Education & Opportunities Fair at Annual Meeting
- Highlighted booth on online floor plan recognizing Industry Partner Members
- Complimentary enhanced listing (includes company logo on online floor plan, mobile app, print/online Daily Schedule Book)
- Preferred booth space selection for following year’s Annual Meeting
Year-Round Visibility
- Company logo with link featured on Society and Industry Partner webpages
- Year-round use of Industry Partner Member logo
- Year-round recognition of membership in BPS Bulletin
- Complimentary Product Guide basic listing
- (1) complimentary 30-day job posting on the BPS Job Board
- $250 credit toward one month, half size online banner ad on Society webpage
- (1) social media post throughout year on Facebook/Twitter
Annual Meeting Presence
- Company logo and hyperlink featured on Annual Meeting homepage
- Recognition in the printed and online Annual Meeting Daily Schedule Book
- A ribbon for your meeting badge identifying you as an Industry Partner Member representative
- Dedicated onsite signage at Annual Meeting recognizing Industry Partner Members
- Dedicated sign of recognition to display in exhibit booth acknowledging Industry Partner Membership
- 10% Discount for one time use of Pre- or Post-Attendee Mailing List (6,000+ registrants)
- $250 credit toward one month, half size online banner ad on Annual Meeting homepage
- Complimentary table at the Education & Opportunities Fair at Annual Meeting
- Highlighted booth on online floor plan recognizing Industry Partner Members
- Preferred booth space selection for following year’s Annual Meeting
Become an Industry Partner Today!